
Capabilities relating to the textDocument/codeAction request.

Client Supported Since
Emacs (eglot) -
Neovim -
Visual Studio Code 1.65.2

Whether code action supports dynamic registration.

Client quickfix refactor refactor.extract refactor.inline refactor.rewrite source source.fixAll source.organizeImports
Emacs (eglot) 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1
Neovim 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1
Visual Studio Code 1.65.2 1.65.2 1.65.2 1.65.2 1.65.2 1.65.2 1.65.2 1.65.2 1.65.2

The code action kind values the client supports. When this property exists the client also guarantees that it will handle values outside its set gracefully and falls back to a default value when unknown.

since v3.15.0 textDocument.codeAction.isPreferredSupport
Client Supported Since
Emacs (eglot) 29.1
Neovim 0.8.0
Visual Studio Code 1.65.2

Whether code action supports the isPreferred property.

since v3.16.0 textDocument.codeAction.disabledSupport
Client Supported Since
Emacs (eglot) -
Neovim -
Visual Studio Code 1.65.2

Whether code action supports the disabled property.

since v3.16.0 textDocument.codeAction.dataSupport
Client Supported Since
Emacs (eglot) -
Neovim 0.6.1
Visual Studio Code 1.65.2

Whether code action supports the data property which is preserved between a textDocument/codeAction and a codeAction/resolve request.
Client edit
Emacs (eglot) -
Neovim 0.6.1
Visual Studio Code 1.65.2

The properties that a client can resolve lazily.

since v3.16.0 textDocument.codeAction.honorsChangeAnnotations
Client Supported Since
Emacs (eglot) -
Neovim -
Visual Studio Code -

Whether the client honors the change annotations in text edits and resource operations returned via the CodeAction#edit property by for example presenting the workspace edit in the user interface and asking for confirmation.